Prettttttyyyy self explanatory blogpost. Just wanted to do a short shoutout on exciting things to come. My nesting instinct has led me to start Project Nursery, hashtagged #ProjectNursery.
I’ll be documenting ideas and inspirations and of course, my humble journey of building Baby Bean’s upcoming new room. We are lucky to have a spare room entirely for the baby in space-constrained Singapore. It’s going to be SO MUCH FUN.
I’ll prolly drive the husband up the wall cos those nesting instincts are going to be unreasonably impatient. But oh well, I hope he understands. Right dear?
Ok now, to start off, I found some KICKASS designs for a start. There will be so many going back and forth with the husband in agreeing with the theme.
I want our boy to dream. Of whatever he wants to be. Because he can and we will be there for him.
The husband wants our boy to exposed to something real. Like stars and moon and the galaxy or animals instead of monsters and unreal stuff.
Well if you’re like me, planning for your baby’s nursery, here are some unique nurseries I might just take inspirations from! :) Tell me which you like and all! :)
#1: Love The Clouds!
Such a simple and elegant design. I wouldn’t go for the wall colour above though. Maybe something more blue and then I stick those clouds on. How cheery it’ll be! :)
#2: Bold Colours
(Photo from
Very unconventional for a nursery but I kinda think this could work too!
#4: Awww what a cute baby quote
(Photo from
#5: Lovely wall decal
(Photo from
So simple & so nice. Once we add in the accessories, it’ll look even more impactful.
#6: Nautical Theme
(Photo from
Interesting. Love the colour combination.
#7: Irresistible wall colour + wall decal combination
(Photo from
I love the blue used here. I also like the idea of perhaps having a little tree decal that’s “stemming” from the cot. Kinda cute!
#8: Gender Neutral
(Photo from
I absolutely love the details here. The colour is soft and you can totally customise it to be skewed towards a boy or girl depending on the colour of your bedding!
And ALSO! I have gotten a new pinboard on Pinterest for great pictures that I find. Follow me here:
I know I want a lovely rug, wall decals, a new coat of wall paint for the room (just cos we didn’t paint this for a nursery when we renovated it) to give it character, a sofa (for nursing), a changing table, a baby cot, toys, and that’s about all AT THE MOMENT. Who knows, the more research I do, the crazier this list might be. :(
Any interested sponsors? :D
You found out the gender of your baby already?
Yes :) Boy!