Back at my Joyoung Noodle Maker again! Today I made Egg Noodle! :)
With the noodle maker, it’s effortless, literally. I could choose any shape of noodle I wanted and I decided to try making egg noodles in linguine form.
All I needed was:
85ml of water+egg (just break an egg, and fill up the measuring cup till it hits 85ml)
1 cup of wholemeal flour
Using the measurement cup provided and measure out 1 cup of flour then pour it into the mixer. Press AUTO to start. The machine will start mixing the flour. Beat the egg and water mixture together and pour in slowly into the mixer through the holes on the closed lid.
Within 15mins, I had lovely thin strands of egg noodles out! So yummy!! I was expecting the linguine noodle to be a little more yellow but I guess because I use wholemeal flour, I get soba looking linguine instead. :)
Joyoung Noodle Maker retails at $328