I feel so domesticated! That aside, the new Joyoung Noodle Maker that I received to review is spicing up my weekends endlessly! I received it a couple of weeks ago and I have already made so many batches of noodles. I feel extremely satisfied!!
It makes me quite amazed that noodles are so easily made, with so few ingredients and so little effort and time.
Over the next few posts, pardon me if I rave about my noodle maker a little more with every new recipe that I try.
The noodle maker is easy to use: Just plug it in, pour flour and water into the mixing chamber and let the machine do the kneading of dough and extruding of noodles.
You can make four types of noodles with the noodle shaping discs:
The machine is really easy to wash. All the parts are easily removable and washable. Just a HUGE TIP here: Make sure you wait for all the dough to DRY before you soak them. It is super easy to just dust off the dried dough. Wetting it right after use will make all the dough gooey and really hard to remove.
When I first started, I didn’t know the trick to it and I ended up washing like crazy! But now you know!
You can see from above the kind of flour I use. I wanted it to be really healthy so I try to use Wholemeal / Wholegrain flour.
I decided to start off with making some Wholemeal Carrot Noodles for him. It’s very easy.
I’m going to make a small batch first:
1 cup of wholemeal flour
70ml of carrot juice
For the carrot juice, I cut it into smaller pieces and blended it with a blender, along with some water. 2 carrots should give you 70ml of juice. So first, you pour 1 cup of flour into the mixer. Don’t worry about measuring out how much 1 cup of flour is. This comes with a measurement cup! :)
When you have closed the lid, the machine is powered on (make sure you put everything together properly or the machine won’t work). Close the lid and press AUTO to start. The mixer will then start to turn the flour around and around.
Take the carrot juice and pour it in through the holes on the lid SLOWLY. The mixer will work its magic. Just be patient!
Soon, you’ll see the noodles extruding out from the machine, like magic! Our whole family gathered in awe the very first time it came out! 1 cup of flour makes about 2 big bundles of noodles, good for 2 persons.
And here’s I cooked for Baby Daniel! This was his first taste of noodles. :) He definitely loved it! And I felt good knowing that I made these noodles myself!
Joyoung Noodle Maker
It is now going at $268 (Usual Price: $328) and is available at Courts, OG, Robinsons and Best Denki. Make sure you buy the machine locally as it is rated 220V-240V and bears the safety mark by Spring Singapore. It comes with a 1 year warranty.