There are 4 women whom I think are really beautiful, inside and out. Simply because they celebrate their womanhood, they revel in being a woman. With all the strengths and weaknesses that comes with being a woman. These 4 women are the characters from Sex and the City.
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My definition of beauty is living life to the fullest. To appreciate what you have, who you are, and who you are surrounded with. Just like the ladies from SATC.
We spend heaps of time on makeup and skincare to make ourselves feel good. Because we enjoy it. I know I enjoy applying makeup. It’s like art.
And dressing up because we can. Wearing heels even though it hurts at times, because we can.
And then there are some that say if I am happy with who I am, then why go get fillers/aesthetic procedures. I don’t condem people who have done plastic surgery before. Their life their choices. In fact most of them look better than ever before. I have done some fillers and botox and I loved the result, even though it wasn’t permanent.
So go on girl, live your life the way you want it. Like Carrie from SATC said, “It’s the end of an era.” We’re modern now!
P.s.: This is my new GO-TO for everything on Aesthetics! :)