Home » Sponsored Video: What's #Momazing

Sponsored Video: What's #Momazing

Momazing is the powerful feeling of getting it right.

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All moms wants to give the best to their child, and I am of no exception.

Momazing is that magical moment when your child surprises you with a milestone they achieve for the first time and you feel a powerful mix of emotions – pride at their flourishing development, and reassurance that you are doing a great job as a mum. It is that time when he writes his name for the first time; when he reads on his own; or when she plays a piano piece perfectly after practicing for weeks. In that moment, you feel surprised, happy, fulfilled. In that moment, you feel #momazing.

Check out this touching video by Scotts.

With a 140-year-old partnership with mums, Scott’s® understands that there is no greater feeling than seeing your child progress; especially when they make those developmental leaps which signify that they’re growing up. Scott’s Emulsion is made from cod liver oil, and contains Omega 3, Vitamin A, Vitamin D, and Calcium , to keep children healthy and help their growth and development.

I ate a lot of Scott’s Emulsions when I was growing up. I always loved the orangey taste. As a child, I never thought much about the nutrients or purpose of eating this. Now I know why my mom always made me eat it. :)

If you are interested, see how Scott’s range of products can boost your kid’s growth, development and immunity here.

This post has been sponsored by Scott’s, but all the thoughts are my own.


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