Do you know? Eye lash falls off every 45 to 60 days and takes up to 8 weeks to grow. I didn’t! And man, I’ve been neglecting my lashes!!
I have haircare routines and skincare routines and no lash care routine!
Mascara is a MANDATORY for most of my everyday makeup. I think if brows frame your face, then mascaras DEFINE your eyes. I am often neglecting my lashes too, roughly tugging at them when I remove them, rubbing them vigorously… :(
Anyhoo, since I put on mascara, the only form of lashcare routine I have at the moment is the Biore Makeup Remover for Eye and Lip. I love this product! Check out my review here. Remember to shake it before using!
Check out this post here that shares the 4 steps to Healthier Lashes. I think you’ll find it as useful as I did!
Before I sign off, I thought I’ll share with you that I have heard that if you want to grow your lashes and make them longer, Talika has this product called Talika Lipocils which helps to promote lash growth! I haven’t tried it but if you have, lemme know how it goes! :)