Synopsis: Ren MacCormack (played by newcomer Kenny Wormald) is transplanted from Boston to the small southern town of Bomont where he experiences a heavy dose of culture shock. A few years prior, the community was rocked by a tragic accident that killed five teenagers after a night out and Bomont’s local councilmen and the beloved Reverend Shaw Moore (Dennis Quaid) responded by implementing ordinances that prohibit loud music and dancing. Not one to bow to the status quo, Ren challenges the ban, revitalizing the town and fell in love with the minister’s troubled daughter Ariel (Julianne Hough) in the process.
This movie is a remake of the 1984 version of a movie in the same title.
Check out the trailer here.
So how was it? I’d say “watch it if you are into song and dance”. The show features a lot of great dance moves that make you wanne get up and shake your booty. The female lead, Julianne Hough, has such a great body and looked soooo sexy dancing that I lost my appetite for dinner after the show. Well, who can blame me, that girl look HAWT in jeans!!
I really like the dynamics between Arial and her dad, Reverend Shaw Moore where her dad is a concerned, caring dad who finds it hard to let go and hope the lessons he taught her were enough to keep her out of trouble.
The soundtracks in the movies are very catchy. Plus the song “footloose” makes it feel like Friday. :P
FOOTLOOSE, the movie, launches in cinemas on 26 October 2011.
Were you at the screening on Monday too? :) It was pretty good, wasn’t it? Yes, i have to agree that julianna is HOT. I couldn’t help but oogle at her lol. :p
Yeh!! I was there too :) yah she’s so hot…