I’ve been pondering about how to approach the topic on prenatal body treatment for awhile now. How do I write this blogpost? I have a lot of mummies-to-be asking for recommendations on cheap and good prenatal body treatment in Singapore, but I personally don’t believe in cheap… AND effective. Something’s surely gotta give when it’s good or when it’s real cheap.
If you find yourself looking for a cheap and good prenatal body treatment and post natal massage treatment, I urge you to ask yourself why you’re looking for prenatal body treatment and post natal care.
Are you doing it because you feel like that’s what everybody is doing?
For prenatal body treatments, I want to ensure my body’s properly cared for to make my pregnancy more comfortable and during post natal, to ensure smooth recovery, inch-loss and weight-loss. Many Jamu massage places may promise you that but for $50-80 a session, you should question what you’re getting in return and the masseur’s experience.
For my first pregnancy, I did not even know there was prenatal body massage. I was aching and I went to my usual massage place and they turned me away, saying that they don’t take in pregnant customers. I was that naive. But then I was recommended to try Nouri Face & Body Concepts. The owner, Valerie, comes with more than a decade of experience dealing with pre and post natal care for mummies-to-be.
She took very good care of me during my first pregnancy although I didn’t get much prenatal attention from her before I gave birth (I met her too late into my pregnancy).
Now, during my second pregnancy, once I passed my first trimester, I quickly contacted her and locked her down for both prenatal body treatment and post natal treatments – that woman is busy! And for good reasons, she has a lot of returning customers, I mean look at the results from my first pregnancy and you’d know why!
The prenatal package I am on with her now is one that she specially planned for her customers and isn’t really the type you’ll see in most prenatal massage packages. She believes in prenatal and post natal care as a whole service. During my prenatal sessions with her, she alternates between a Body Mask & Scrub treatment and a Body Massage on a bi-weekly basis. Details to follow!
Prenatal Body Treatment – Mask & Scrub
Why this, many ask. To many, including myself, I always associate scrubs and masks as a luxury good-to-have treatment. But this is actually an important step to prepare for birth and post natal treatment. Truth be told, I never gave much thought to the dead skin on my skin.
A body scrub will help to effectively remove dead skin cells and thoroughly cleanse your skin, allowing the products you apply thereafter to be absorbed effectively. And not just any body scrub. How you tell whether a body scrub is good is by looking & feeling the scrub itself.
The more granules there are, the better a scrub. The scrub that Valerie uses is her own special concoction and is specially formulated for pregnant mummies. And scrub my body she did. The scrub was turning a little black when she was done. :O :X
My skin was ultra smooth after the scrub! Next, it was time for the Body Mask.
She has 3 main types of masks that she will use on your whole body – each with differing benefits of course. Depending on your body’s condition, she could use only 1 type of mask or a mixture of masks on different body parts. You’ll see these 3 types which are easily identifiable by their colours:
Green – for reduction of water retention
Pink – for treatment of stretch marks and body acne & rashes
Black – for severe water retention and great for skin tightening
Valerie’s body masks are also all blended by herself, customised to each customer’s body condition, and done prior to each appointment. She’s a certified aromatherapist and uses only the first pressing of pure essential oils that’s suitable for pregnant women in some of her products.
Prenatal Body Massage
Stress and aches are typical of any pregnant mummies (with exception of those very lucky ones). And I am no different. My butt hurts when I sit too long, I can’t move too quickly because my back with ache, I have bad water retention from time to time when I walk too much, etc.
As with the usual prenatal massages that most pregnant women look for, Valerie provides this as part of the package too. What’s special about her is the use of her special concoction of prenatal massage oil, using organic and natural ingredients that are safe for both mother and baby.
This same massage oil is given to her customers to bring home for application on stretch marks (to apply once you feel itchy and also daily), and my husband also uses this to help me massage my calves when I get the occasional cramps and water retention in my legs.
I’m now walking around with additional 11kg of weight on me and feeling lighter or having any bounce in my step is challenging to say the least. For someone who doesn’t look her age or look like she has much strength, Valerie is a tough cookie and her specially formulated prenatal body treatments will help you feel lighter and more relaxed after each session
She takes great pride in the service she renders. She spends a lot of time training to ensure her staff consistently delivers the same high level of service that she has been delivering herself.
Valerie’s lovely place at CT Hub 2 (nearest MRT is Lavender MRT), is a cozy place that’s clean and you feel really comfortable and relaxed there. If you’re up for a personalised, customised treatment that’ll give you results from your prenatal to post natal phases in your life, please check out Nouri Face & Body Concepts. Send her an inquiry via her form here to see what she recommends for you. :)
And if you’re still here reading at the end of this very long blogpost, you definitely deserve the 50% discount for the first prenatal body treatment and the other freebies she’ll throw in for you when you sign up a package with her. Just tell her you knew about her from me! :)
Anyway I hope you learnt something from this post and that you enjoy your pregnancy journey. :) Check out more articles on the stuff I’ve tried as well as my own pregnancy journey.
P.s.: I’ve also tried her facial treatments for pregnant mummies. Read about it here.
Nouri Face & Body Concepts
Website | Facebook
Contact: 6294 8106
Address: 114 Lavender Street, CT Hub 2, #02-63, Singapore 338729 (Lavender MRT)
Firstly thank you, shared a valuable info on parental massage, that massage is very beneficial when baby is coming. That massage is good for mother and baby.
Wow yours seemed like really good experience! I’m glad more mothers are getting prenatal massage as much as postnatal massage these days. I got prenatal home massage from PNSG and it eased my pregnancy and I felt like baby was calmer inside LOL! With their massage bed and authentic oils, my place felt like a spa lol. The fact that you can combine pre and postnatal massage is great too!
Wah the body mask looks soooo soothing!! So grateful I also got a prenatal home massage. Despite the baby bump my body felt alot lighter. Somehow I think the massage helped ease my labour too, maybe because I no longer experienced pains here and there. I went with PNSG and their massage is so comprehensive. They have alot of types of massage for postpartum too. Cant wait to start!