Yay to the onset of a new year. This year is going to be pretty busy both at home and work and I’m excited to have it all started. But first, I need an update to my hairdo badly at the hair salon. This time, I’m going to get a hair perm done and have those big curls!
As you know, I just finished my 1 month post natal confinement. In that 1 month, I washed my hair 3 times. That’s once every 10 days in HOT, HUMID Singapore. Don’t ask me how I did it. It just did and I am so glad that’s over. It made me appreciate a shower and a hair wash so much more than I ever would.
So on the last day of my confinement, I did a GOOD thorough clean and then I headed off to Shunji Matsuo @ 313Somerset. It was a weekday and they were super busy. Lots of loyal customers back to prep for Chinese New Year.
I haven’t seen Caely, my stylist, in quite a long while, being pregnant and all. My hair was really long, and straight and black. It was literally a blank canvas for her.
After a “consultation”, we decided to get that hair perm that we’ve been planning for me for months before and then follow up with a highlight/colour.
I should tell you I am terrified of hair perms. I permed 2 times many many years back. The first hair perm turned out ok but it required SO-MUCH-MAINTENANCE daily and lasted only 2 months. The second time, I wanted curls again and boldly told the hairstylist then that I wanted medium curls. Needless to say, I hated it and I looked like an auntie.
So this time round, Caely assured me that it’ll look very nice and the curls will be big and it will only be at the ends of my hair. If you check out the previous work that Caely has done on my hair, you’ll know why I keep going back to her, trying new looks and giving her my absolute trust.
Many a times, I tell her to suggest something new and when she does, I always say yes. I’m that girl who even has nightmares about people shaving off all my hair! And Caely has never disappointed really!
Anyhoo, we’ll slap on some BIG CURLS to my super straight hair then.
Here are the results! It’s very womanly don’t you think? Adds so much volume to my hair.
Best part is the maintenance which is almost non existent! Here’s what I have to do:
– After washing hair, comb.
– Use this cream and apply evenly onto hair
– Twist hair into bunches and let it dry naturally
THAT’S ALL! Naise.
Anyway, please stay tuned to see what colours I’ll add on to my hair to enhance the curls. :)
Shunji Matsuo at 313Somerset has permanently closed. Their lead stylist, Caely Tham, has moved over to LeeKaJa, located at Mandarin Gallery. I now go to Caely at LeeKaJa for hair services.
Check out my experiences with her at LeeKaJa here! Plus, there is this crazy good, and most popular hair treatment called the LeeKaJa Cinderalla hair treatment that will make you hair look naturally soft and straight. You must check it out here.