Home » Baby Quasar for Anti-Aging

Baby Quasar for Anti-Aging

Handheld skincare devices are on the rise now in response to the rising interest in DIY home skincare solutions. Me? I have 3 such devices. I have one that helps in the absorption in ampoules/creams (Tandazap), another that helps in fighting acne, and now, I have a new one that aids in anti-aging (Baby Quasar).

Warning! The Light Therapy device that I am about to review is rather expensive. While devices of this nature are not well known by a lot of people partly due to its cost, but you might want to just continue reading and who knows, you may be a convert like me.

Here’s what it looks like!


It arrived carefully packaged..



What I am reviewing: The Baby Quasar (red)

How it works: It emits natural light from 4 different wavelengths. These lights reach all levels of the cell, rejuvenating your skin from within.

(There is another product: The Baby Blue which concentrates on killing acne. You can read more about that here.)

Product Benefits: Smoothes fine lines and wrinkles while firming skin, shrinks enlarged pores, reduces inflammation, diminishes discoloration and fades scars.The red light causes the release of nitric oxide, which is essential for healing.

My Experience:

There is no pain at all in the usage of this device. But as you increase the frequencies, the light became warmer on my skin.

1) Pros

The red light treatment helps to stimulate collagen, cellular activity and blood flow circulation in your skin which helps achieve a healthier, smoother and younger looking skin. Having this device at home allows me the luxury of similar facial treatments at my own time.

TIP! You can actually use this device on a bare face but the results are a lot better if you use it with a skincare product that you currently already using. Since my concern is enlarged pores, I use a pore minimizing serum on top of my usual anti-aging/skin brightening lotion before using Baby Quasar.

This is only my 1st week at using Baby Quasar but after each treatment, my skin looks brighter with a slight glow already. I read other users’ reviews on the internet on this and results are supposed to be more evident after 1 month.

LOVE how durable this device feels with its strong aluminium coating. It’s made in USA with a full five years, fix or replace, warranty; No questions asked.. If you ask me, no manufacturer would give you 5 years warranty on its parts unless they are pretty confident of their product!

2) Cons

Like all handheld devices/skincare products/etc etc, this is not a miracle solution nor one that will give you dramatic results immediately. It won’t get rid of your wrinkles or make you look instantly younger but what it does do is give your skin a glow and improves texture over time. I use it as a preventative measure.

It is also pretty tedious sitting around holding this to your face for what can feel like forever (about 30 mins, 2-3 times a week)! But then again, it’s either you pay someone to do it on a less frequent basis and at a higher cost in spas or you DIY! :)

When it comes to beauty, I can tolerate a lot.

The cost is pretty high at S$530.00 at www.skinstreet.com.sg. But I justify this by dividing this into 5 visits to the spa for LED light treatments. Note, this device gives you the same strength and quality as with a professional device.

How to use:

You can check out their how to use video here and the products comes with a instructional manual as well. In summary, you just divide your face into 6 sections, choose your mode (low, medium, high) and then gently move the device in circular motions over 1 of the 6 sections of your face till it beeps and then move to the next area.

You will have to do this 2 times for each treatment (but I do the whole thing 3 times). In total about 30 mins for about 3 times each week.

About Baby Quasar Red Light:

Baby Quasar can be purchased in Singapore at www.skinstreet.com.sg

P.s.: I did a receive a free product sample to keep for my testing purposes but I was under no obligation to write a positive review in return for the product.


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