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A reflection on differences

I’m just reflecting back on the numerous quotations I got from the 15 Interior Design/Construction companies.

Why is the price disparity so huge?

In the beginning, I did what most others would do. Get the ID firms to itemise and cost every single thing on the quote. Avoid those with lump sums. Simply because lump sums are assumed to be well, shady.

I started to compare haulage costs, flooring, etc etc. Item by item. Then I realised I was wasting my time. Whatever company A charged more in Item X, they charge lower for Item Y. Vice versa for company B and that put me back into square one again.

I knew I was running around like a headless chicken. But I had no choice. I needed more input. I needed more ideas. The apartment is small. But someone invented the word (and concept of) space planning.

So that got me running around in circles, wanting to see if there’s anything else IDs can offer.

After meeting 4-5 companies, the ideas stopped being new.

I knew I had to define what I wanted specifically and only then can I compare costs fairly.

I started drawing my own floorplans. I started knowing exactly where I wanted my wardrobe, where I wanted my sofa, swaying only momentarily if I see something better online.

Just as one would expect, after meeting with so many IDs, I also became more street smart, more familiar with renovation lingo and right down to the material I want.

I look back now and I want to share the factors that make an ID more expensive than the other:

– 7% GST. This is a minimal amount in our daily lives but when we’re talking about renovations that are usually $25K and above, 7% is no small sum. Get the ID to absorb the cost or find another that doesn’t charge GST.
– Price of tiles. Some IDs are really smelly. They quote you for price of tiles of up to $4- to $5 psf when in reality, the usual tiles you and I would choose range between $2.50 to $3.20psf. Really. Go to any tile shop in Singapore and you will know. Besides, don’t forget that the ID gets a cut off the displayed psf price in the tile shop as well. The overly expensive tiles add up to quite a fair bit. This is the same situation if you are using laminated flooring. Always, always do your research.
– Free gifts. You and I know that nothing is free in this world. If anything, the cost of your “free gifts” are already lumped into the renovation quotation. So if you want to go with the company with free gifts, add in the cost of the free gifts when comparing grand total.

I was faced with a cost difference as big as $7,000 for similar job scopes! The quote at the higher end one even told me I could upgrade my kitchen counter top to granite at no cost. Granite! Imagine the profits they are making!

Do you have any to add on to this list? I’ll be happy to spread the word!


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  1. @drian
    November 29, 2009 / 2:41 am

    i had always wondered if engagement of a JB ID would be worth the savings and trouble. The local ones are always using Malaysians in the execution anyway.

  2. Ju Ann
    December 1, 2009 / 1:48 pm

    Yes. I agree! A lot of IDs here are malaysians.

    But there are pros and cons. And the biggest CON is, I think in JB, the likelihood of them running away with your money is like way HIGHER than those in SG :/ And nobody is Msia will protect you. Unlike SG.