Hello! Daniel’s been a good boy, smiling a lot and crying very little nowadays. He’s such a joy to wake up to everyday. Just that day, I woke up to this:
Seriously? How to resist!
Oh yes, that blankie he is using is SUPER GOOD which is the point of this post! I wanted to share how useful these swaddle blankets and burpies cloth I got from the MyMiracleBaby shop. We’ve been using it everyday and loving it more and more. The one we got is the Swaddle Duo in Elephant and Morning Sky Chickies and Little Dots set. :)
It has 2 very good baby swaddling blankets in it. One thick and one thin, preparing me for a variety of temperatures (from air con to non air con) with Daniel. Let’s take a look at each! :)
First up is the Marquisette Swaddling Blanket. It is a very lightweight openweave cotton blanket – for warmer environmental temperatures. This is a wonderful option for use in crazy hot Singapore. And the designs are soooo pretty!
During the day times when it’s warm, he uses this! And he’s enjoying it so much more than the thicker blanket we got free from TMC before.
And then during the nights, the TMC blanket kinda felt a little too thin for him to sleep in an air con room with us, so I LOVED that this Swaddle Duo also came with the thicker version – the Ultimate Receiving Blanket is a lightweight premium cotton flannel – for moderate to cooler environmental temperatures. This is perfect for nights with air con and for cold shopping malls/cars.
Another thing I adore about the SwaddleDuo set is how huge it is! There are SO many ways you can use the Swaddle Blanket:
♥ As a swaddle (but since Daniel has outgrown swaddling, I now use it as a blanket!)
♥ As a blanket (very comfy for him)
♥ As a cover for nursing (because it’s so thin and breathable, nobody gets suffocated here!)
♥ As a sun cover (when we take cabs, I like using this to cover his head and face from sun while using the rest of the generous cloth as a swaddling blanket for him)
I’m sure you can find more uses for it than I! :)
And then the next thing which is also another good buy is the Burpies Set. I can’t believe I never knew there were inventions like this for babies! It is VERY useful.
Here’s how I use it when I am carrying him close to me, especially when we’re out.
I place it over my shoulder and let him rest his face on the burpie cloth. This way, it protects my clothes from his drool and also protects his sensitive skin from my clothes. :)
I am quite sure I don’t want to walk around with vomit stains on me! This cloth saved me so many times! Haha!
Daniel is 2 months + going on 3 months now. He is drooling a lot and he’s also playing with his milk and having more spit ups now. When he sleeps with us on the bed, I also place this under his head to ensure he doesn’t spit milk on my bed. :) I like that it’s super absorbent so I know it will not leak through to my bed. :) There are so many other ways you can use this. I haven’t even maximised the potential of this yet! :)
Whoever said there isn’t much to buy for little baby boys hasn’t had a baby boy before! It’s so much fun finding pretty “boyish” belongings for him! :)
IMHO, I do think that these are good buys and a must have for all mummies. :) If you’re attending a baby shower, this is a perfect gift! :)
Here’s where you can get it:
Baby Burpies Set here
SwaddleDuo Giftset here
There are other stuff that you can browse from this online store MyMiracleBaby as well. Their service was super fast. I received my items the very next day. Shopping at home is a joy when you are in confinement and taking care of your infant. :) Thank you MyMiracleBaby for the great experience! :)